西安市场镀锌方管价格持稳。今天早盘期货大涨,唐山方坯累涨40元,现普碳方坯含税出厂4270元。现货市场今天价格持稳,成交略有好转。市场十家大户出货2600吨较昨日增700 吨。方管厂家挺价,方管厂家心态较好,降价出货意愿不强。总的来看,期货上涨,市场情绪比较乐观,不过由于天气原因对需求还是有一定抑制。不过下游工地复工临 近,需求有望启动,对价格或有所拉动,预计明日西安市场镀锌方管价格或小幅上涨。
The price of galvanized square tube in Xi'an market is stable. Futures rose sharply in early trading today, Tangshan billet accumulated up 40 yuan, now the general carbon billet with tax 4270 yuan. The spot market price is stable today, and the transaction has improved slightly. The market's top 10 manufacturers delivered 2600 tons, 700 tons more than yesterday. The square tube manufacturer has a good attitude and is not willing to reduce the price. On the whole, futures rose, the market sentiment is optimistic, but due to weather reasons, there is still a certain inhibition on demand. However, the resumption of downstream construction site is approaching, and the demand is expected to start, which may drive the price. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Xi'an market will rise slightly tomorrow.
Square tube price: by the time of press release, the third grade thread of Longgang was 4560 yuan (ton price, the same below), stable.
市场整体表现一般预计明日方管行情或震荡偏弱日国内方管市场价格主稳个调。主导市场,北京、上海出现下跌,天津、广州以稳为主。昨日市场整体表现一般,但是在期螺钢坯的双双拉涨下,市 场心态较为积极,不过这波由期螺带动的行情也随着期螺的走低热度逐渐褪去。…